All 02 Hundred Hours Videos
How To Play - Fighters, Dice and Tokens (8 mins)
Includes: Fighters, Recruitment cards, Stats, Covert/Detected, Dice, Alert markers, Action tokens, Turn sequence and Time tokens. https://youtu.be/vNJsRoZ8IiY
How To Play - Patrol, Sneak and Advance (12 mins)
Includes: Line of Sight, Covert & Detected, Facing, Advance, Roving Patrol, Patrol Route, Sneak, Medal effects - Recon, Caution, Awareness, Freeze. https://youtu.be/FJf4yN3mo7E
How To Play - Shoot and Fight (13 mins)
Includes Shoot, Fight, Duck, Defend, Wound rolls and Trauma rolls plus common Medal effects. https://youtu.be/P1eTTcT-CPE
How To Play - Mission 1 Walkthrough (33 mins)
First in a series of How To Play videos, a walkthrough of some gameplay. This is a great way to get a feel for the game before diving into the full detail of the rulebook! https://youtu.be/ZDMJz2KAE4
Plastics in Detail (10 mins)
I show you the plastics, covering all the components and weapon options in full detail: https://youtu.be/oEYe2QAdVQM
From External Reviewers:
Full Game
Full length battle reports from various reviewers.
Keep in mind though, that a few of them made rules mistakes that have thrown off the balance a bit!
7th Son (Mission 1): https://youtu.be/tgPVX7fSoDo
7th Son (Mission 3): https://youtu.be/Q2vqULbUUpI
Modelling for Advantage (Mission 2): https://youtu.be/sdNxQYF0PGs
Tabletop CP (Mission 3): https://youtu.be/nbhYmqLKAk4
Family of Gamers (Mission 1): https://youtu.be/TpkFgys9kqo
Starter Set Showcase
Travis at Tabletop CP has been assembling and painting his forces made from the Starter Set contents - here is the finished result: https://youtu.be/2pE_B4VFbMM
Painting Guide
Also from 7th Son, this excellent guide to painting the 02 Hundred Hours German sentries: https://youtu.be/xtcNJ0BNw-0
OnTabletop: https://youtu.be/AO0q7l0umc4
Wargames Illustrated: https://youtu.be/YuH8sUJKE70
Tabletop CP: https://youtu.be/YJdj-P8uzW4
7th Son: https://youtu.be/YgCImhOPkTc
Family of Gamers: https://youtu.be/57i2JhNlqDg
Tabletop Basement (German language): https://youtu.be/l3v_zUCKTN0
Agents of Sigmar: https://youtu.be/X9aGIE8j9ww