Grey For Now Games

Grey For Now Games is run by Graham Davey, lead writer of the game. A few of you might know my name from past stuff - Room 17 Games, Warlord Games, Battle Games in Middle-Earth or even White Dwarf (if you're as old as me!). I’ve taken the slightly terrifying step of forging out on my own, with the goal of taking this game to even greater heights!
Grey For Now consists of just me, however I've had loads of help... Special thanks must go to Andy Hobday, Rob for the sculpts, Carmen for the art, Jez, Matt, Keiran and the trusty playtester group, my ever patient family, plus of course everyone who has played and supported Test of Honour.
May your sword cut true!
Contact Us
If you have any questions or issues with our products or this site, don't hesitate to get in touch:
Please keep in mind that 'Us' is actually just 'Me'. I'll get back to you as fast as possible, but it may take a day or two.
Trade and Retail
Distribution for Test of Honour is handled by North Star Military Figures. If you'd like to become a stockist, please have a chat with them:
Company Information
Registered office address
11 High St, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6DT
VAT Registration No: 316 6446 02
Company Number: 11754993
The company is registered in England and Wales.