News and Information

02 Hundred Hours Designer's Notes
I have always liked games that generate an exciting story, a narrative of events that takes you beyond a test of manoeuvre and dice-rolling. When I play a wargame, I...
02 Hundred Hours Designer's Notes
I have always liked games that generate an exciting story, a narrative of events that takes you beyond a test of manoeuvre and dice-rolling. When I play a wargame, I...

02 Hundred Hours Plastic Sprues
A detailed look at the multi-part 28mm plastic sprues for 02 Hundred Hours - German Sentries and SAS - with examples of assembled models.
02 Hundred Hours Plastic Sprues
A detailed look at the multi-part 28mm plastic sprues for 02 Hundred Hours - German Sentries and SAS - with examples of assembled models.

Tax removed outside Europe!
Note that the webstore prices include 20% tax (VAT), but if you're outside Europe this is REMOVED from your total at checkout. This offsets some or all of your shipping...
Tax removed outside Europe!
Note that the webstore prices include 20% tax (VAT), but if you're outside Europe this is REMOVED from your total at checkout. This offsets some or all of your shipping...

02 Hundred Hours plastic kits
I am very pleased to announce that Grey For Now Games and Wargames Atlantic are teaming up to produce two new World War II multi-part plastic kits. These will feature in...
02 Hundred Hours plastic kits
I am very pleased to announce that Grey For Now Games and Wargames Atlantic are teaming up to produce two new World War II multi-part plastic kits. These will feature in...

Test of Honour 5 years old!
As it's our birthday, I thought it would be good to look back over the game's development and how we got here... How it Started... Cue wibbly camera effect as...
Test of Honour 5 years old!
As it's our birthday, I thought it would be good to look back over the game's development and how we got here... How it Started... Cue wibbly camera effect as...